August 28, 2011

Weekly Wrap-up - August 28, 2011

In an effort to become more accountable, I’ve decided to start logging my progress on a weekly basis. As you know, I also use My Fitness Pal (MFP) on my phone in which I record all my food and exercise and input my weight (almost) daily. I find that there are certain aspects that are being missed - the small victories - that I would like to share. To this end, I have created a template of sorts to convey all of this to you.

Let’s begin!

Overall weight lost: -64.4lbs (I'm counting this from the last time I looked at the scale when I was pregnant with Maddie)

Weight lost this week: +0.4lbs

Work outs: Monday - Cardio (50mins) / Tuesday - Cardio(25mins) & Strength (30mins) / Wednesday - Cardio (15mins) & Strength (15mins) / Thursday - Cardio (45mins) / Friday - Yoga (1hr) / Saturday - Off / Sunday - Cardio (30mins) & Strength (45mins)

Accomplishments: My biggest accomplishment this week was running for 30 minutes straight. I was able to push through that mental barrier and am now excited to get back and see if I can do it again (a little faster this time!)

Challenges: Earlier this week, I learnt how to do some lunges using a bar for stability and a gliding disk. I did 10 reps of straights lunges, side lunges and speed skater lunges on each leg. It felt good as I was doing them, more of a stretch than a burn. Somehow for the following three days I was in A LOT of pain. I was completely surprised since I had been doing lunges in Body Pump, but apparently hadn’t been giving it my all… Finally today I was recovered enough to try it again. I’ll let you know if I’m still in as much pain the second time around!

Thoughts: After a slow start this week, I was able to re-gain control and managed to almost maintain my weight from last week. Yesterday I indulged a fair bit at our first International Dinner Club night (more on that tomorrow!) but today I refused to get on the scale and just went straight to the gym to burn off as much as I could. I will give myself a couple days to get back on track before I get on it again. Oddly enough, I actually felt thin and fit this afternoon. I should add that hubby is only 4.5lbs away from his 100lbs goal and so that has fueled my motivation!

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